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Letter to my Atheistic, Scientific, or Skeptic Brothers and Sisters


You may not believe that God exists, but what you do not realize is that to believe in anything else (e.g. big bang, mother nature, the great spirit, the creative force, etc.) requires more faith than required to believe in the God of the Bible. Take the big bang, for example. First of all, the big bang is not a theory, it is a simple hypothesis. A theory is a proven and tested hypothesis and the evidence for the big bang has not reached that level of proof in the scientific method. To believe that a primordial explosion created the galaxies, stars, and planets, one must believe that matter suddenly appeared from nothing and that it was densely compacted and spinning really fast and that it all of a sudden exploded! So much matter cannot appear from nothing. Why was it spinning and what made it spin? Why and how come it exploded? It is a lot easier to believe “In the beginning God created…” But your mind is set, you believe in anything you are told that does not involve The Bible. Why? Because it makes you uneasy to measure up against a standard. You bought up into the pop culture that insinuates that there are no absolutes; that everything in life is painted in shades of gray. 


That desire to be free from norms is the driver for the popular movements that camouflage atheism, such as uniformitarianism (any change is slow), materialism (only material things matter), naturalism (anything natural is good), evolutionism (it is natural to be animals), and believe it or not, racism (only the fittest survive). These movements have a subtle message, but are slowly saturating our lives and are specially directed to our youth. Do you not believe it is so? Ask yourself, why is it that only evolution is being taught in schools? I know, “separation of church and state”. That pretext is so bogus. There is no such thing in the Constitution and you know it. Thomas Jefferson simply sent in 1801 a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut discussing the separation of civil authority from ecclesiastical authority. That is, the state would never have an “official” religion. He never suggested that the state should separate from moral values. The proof is that up until the 1960s, the Bible was taught in public schools. And what happens when society moves away from moral standards? Escalating violence and crime, higher divorce rates, more suicides, more drug use, etc. In other words, total degradation of society. If schools are supposed to prepare our youth for life in society, should not they be given at least all the information available? Is it not creationism another hypothesis and as credible as (if not more than) evolutionism? Why are you so afraid to be confronted with another plausible explanation for our existence?


There are other ways that the above movements are creeping into our lives. Consider the media. Religious people are portrayed as whackos, but philosophers, environmentalists, and sociologists are portrayed by the media as people that work for the betterment of society. The sciences, and, in particular the scientific societies, are especially jealous against questioning evolutionism; they view it as progressive, but will not allow the scientific method to properly test it. Scientists that dare question evolutionism are shun from their societies and therefore are either prevented from getting funds to investigate further or never get through the necessary peer review to publish their findings.


In fact, as a fellow scientist, I believe evolutionism is from its foundation totally unscientific. Evolutionism was created by philosophers and spiritualists, a “scientific” faction that was looking for a “theory” in total opposition to the Bible. This process began in 1734 when Swedenborg, a philosopher and spiritualist wrote “Principia”, a book that describes the creation of our Solar System from a nebula. Another philosopher, Comte de Buffon shortly thereafter came up with the concept that the different species originated from one another. Lamarck in 1809 wrote “Philosophie Zoologique” where he discusses the concept of inheritance of acquired characteristics and uniformitarianism. Chambers, a spiritualist, writes in 1844 “Vestiges of Creation” where he describes his ideas on evolution. Wallace in the mid-1800s conceives the idea of “survival of the fittest” but Darwin, a school dropout, with the help of Lyell, a geologist that described his hypothesis on sedimentary strata in 1833, pirated Wallace’s material and published it in 1859 as “Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races”. You read it right: “or the Preservation of Favored Races”. I wonder on which side would the ACLU be if this book would have been published today. The foundation of evolutionism is totally unscientific. How did it become “scientific”?


To prove that evolutionism is an actual theory, it must be demonstrable in six major scientific areas: cosmic (it cannot prove who created matter, space, and time), chemical (it cannot explain how elements heavier than iron are created), stellar (it cannot explain why galaxies are still well formed spirals), organic (it cannot explain how life started from inorganic ingredients), macro-evolution (it cannot explain how apparent simple organisms are so complex), and micro-evolution (it only explains how varieties of organisms evolved within the same kind). Of the six scientific areas, evolutionism can only explain one, which is obvious to everyone; that is; adaptation to the environment makes organisms change (e.g. wolves, foxes to dogs). This adaptation is always along the same kind of organism, never across kinds, which is wrongly suggested by evolutionists.


The Achilles heel of evolution is how the geological data is being interpreted. The way that Lyell was able to make his hypothesis stick was to exclude all sudden and catastrophic geological events and to create a vast time scale for Earth’s history. Of course, we see little change of our surroundings in our lifetime, unless we experience a catastrophic event, such as a devastating earthquake, flood, or tsunami. Therefore, we can easily extrapolate our personal experience and conclude that an enormous amount of time is needed to cause the changes observed in nature. But we forget that numerous catastrophic events have occurred, some of which have been recorded either in written accounts of by the signs in many ruins we observe today. 


There are two main areas in this discussion that will prove that evolutionism is a bogus hypothesis: fossils and radioactive dating. Fossils are typically the imprints of organisms in a sedimentary layer that was compressed, and which caused the organism to be crystallized by mineral deposits. There are also fossils of footprints, animal tracks, tail marks, etc. If you think about it, to form a fossil, the burial and compression must be done in a short time or else the organism simply would rot and would not give enough time for crystallization to take place. With this fact in mind, do you see a big hole starting to develop in uniformitarianism? Even though they may try to convince you, time is not the limiting factor for fossil formation, but the adequate surrounding conditions are. There are fossils that have been found of modern human beings and artifacts dating from the 1800s. It only takes the right conditions to form fossils. Evolutionism wants and needs to suggest long periods of time for our minds to wrap around the concept of evolutionary change.


What Lyell and others after him have done is to arbitrarily date certain layers of sedimentary rocks to fit the long history needed to insinuate the idea that a long period of time occurred in order to accommodate evolution. Then they studied the fossils found in them and used the fossils of extinct organisms found in those layers, called index fossils, to date similar layers in other locations of the globe. This is totally unscientific; in fact, it is based on circular logic and totally contrary to the scientific method of analysis. The fact that no one has had the guts to publicly question this farce shows the total control the so called “scientific community” has over the information that gets published. The dates on the layers were set arbitrarily back in the 1800s! Please, someone speak up!


You may say, but these dates are confirmed by radioactive dating. Absolutely not! Here is where it sounds like a conspiracy theory (on the “scientific” community’s part) but judge it for yourself. Radioactivity is the process of decay of a parent material, like uranium 238, into a daughter material, in this case lead 206. In the process there is emission of energy in the form of radiation. The time it takes for half the parent material to decay is called the half-life, which for this example is 4.5 billion years. Measuring the amounts of parent and daughter materials in a sample of rock or soil and knowing the half-life of the process, theoretically one can determine the age of a sample. Radiodating assumes that there is no contamination of parent or daughter material during decay, that there was no daughter material when the sample was formed, and that the decay rate was constant. As you can imagine, none of these assumptions are correct. It is impossible to conceive that a rock will not be contaminated. Water percolates in the soil and rocks, dissolving and leaching minerals and metals to other layers below. Many used radiodating processes involve lead as the daughter material and therefore it is usual to find different isotopes of lead in rock or soil samples, which makes determining the radiodating process to date the rock impossible. Also, it is known that radioactive materials capture neutrons from radioactive decay in surrounding rocks; these neutrons change the atomic mass (the number identifying the radioactive material, e.g. uranium 238 versus uranium 235 which lost 3 neutrons), making difficult to determine which radiodating process is to be used. Moreover, intense heat, such as of lava flows or magma extrusions is known to damage radioactive clocks in rocks and soils.


Using the very few publications that escaped the “scientific” community’s censorship provides examples that show radiodating is unreliable, to say the least (note that most of the publications are from the 70’s when their grip on the Scientific Society was not so tight). These include: lava flows in Hawaii that occurred in 1800-01 were radiodated between 1.6 and 3 billion years old (Journal Science, 10/11/68); Sunset Crater Volcano lava, dated by tree rings as being about 1,000 years old was radiodated at 200,000 years old (Journal of Earth & Planetary Science, 6/69); the lava dome in Mount Saint Hellen’s formed in 1980 was radiodated 2.8 million years old; living sea shells gave a carbon 14 date ranging from 440 to 750 years (Mangerud & Gulliksen in Quaternary Research, 1975); living trees gave carbon 14 date of 10,000 years (Von Fange, 1974). It is clear that radiodating, due to the reasons already explained, exaggerates the age of the material it is trying to determine. But this does not deter the “scientists”. They do not want to discuss these contradictions and we keep reading in schoolbooks facts such as these: “the Earth is 3.2 billion years old” or “the Cambrian Period started 540 million years ago and lasted for 40 million years”. All bogus information based on 18 century philosophers’ pipe dreams (and very likely spiritualist séances) and supported by a “scientific” community that does not have the guts to question it properly just because they cannot conceive the Bible may be right.


The fact is that the only evidence we have of our existence is that humans have been on this Earth for about 6,500 years. From archeological finds, we can tell that humans were never animals, lived in communities and formed civilizations in different parts of the globe demonstrating intelligence, craft, and skill comparable to ours. Different cultures have accounts of a devastating flood (e.g. Babylonians, Mayans, etc.). If we use the ages of the people mentioned in the Bible, we can determine that the flood happened approximately 2350 BC. It is conceivable that the Earth before the flood was composed of a single continent (Gondwana) and that this pre-continental drift land did not have tall mountains, hence covering it with water, as is told in the Bible, did not require huge amounts of water. It is also conceivable that during the flood event (that lasted 5 months), continental shifts occurred, as the event is described as hugely catastrophic. The flood must have caused massive amounts of erosion (washing out of the loose dirt off the rising mountain chains at the newly created land masses by collisions of continents) which were then deposited forming new sedimentary layers, which as the waters receded, have exposed the features such as the Grand Canyon and seashells in tall mountains. 


In this scenario, it is conceivable that the organisms, especially those attached or with limited movement, would have been first to be quickly covered with sediments and subjected to enormous pressure as more sediment kept accumulating over them, forming the fossils on the “older” deeper layers. Also, large numbers of mobile animals huddled on the higher grounds available or next to their source of food were finally overcome by the waters and also quickly were buried by sediments, forming what we find as coal and oil deposits as well as the fossils of more “modern” shallower geologic layers. 


These “scientists”, especially biologists, forget to apply established principles of physics and thermodynamics to blindly champion evolutionism. It is known that time increases the disorder (or entropy) of things in the universe. Time tends to disperse not organize things. As a result, one would never expect time to form complex organic molecules from inorganic molecules or for time to form a multicellular organism from unicellular organisms, much less to form a human being from an ape. Organisms within their kind adapt to their environment, but there is no evidence that an organism of one kind has evolved from another kind. Not one fossil of the millions found and studied show that this has ever occurred. Biologist like to mention mutations as the principal mechanism for evolutionism but forget that a very small percentage of all mutations actually have a positive effect on the organism. These negative mutations are lost because the organism either cannot reproduce, or the mutation is corrected when the organism is finally able to reproduce. The very few positive mutations lead to new versions of proteins that help an organism and its future generations within its kind better adapt to changes in their environment, not to evolve into “higher” beings!


God has created us with a natural homing device. We long to have a relationship with Him but through the brain washing we have been subjected to on an ongoing basis we have replaced It with other gods. What is It for you? Drugs, sex, gambling, work, power, alcohol, knowledge? Your god is what consumes most of your time… and is killing you! You will never be happy with those gods, they never satisfy, they are never enough. Do you feel there is always something missing even though your life is a relative success? You have everything you need, but you still feel emptiness… That is the homing device acting upon you. One day, and I hope it will be soon, you will realize that it is time to have a relationship with your creator. The only way to get to God is through His son who suffered and died for all of your sins. God will not allow you in through your self-righteousness (your actions, as good intentioned as they may be) because you are imperfect. You cannot get into Heaven because you are “good” and do “good things”. The only way to get to God is through the righteousness of His son. He can do that because He was perfect. His perfection purchases your sins, but only if you invite Him to be at the helm of your life. The love of God is manifested by the fact that, even though you are imperfect, He chooses to see you through the perfection of His son. But you need to first invite Him. I pray you will invite Jesus into your life soon. We are talking about the most important thing in your life, your eternal life. In Jesus name I pray you will do this soon. Amen.

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