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Communists and Fascists


My family’s roots come from Northern Europe, what we now know as Byelorussia, Poland, and Germany. From my mother’s side, my grandmother was German. She was a woman of the world, the daughter of a rich lawyer from the Heidelberg region, a painter, and accustomed to travel around Europe and the world. My grandfather was Polish and, even though probably originated from a middle-class Jewish family, knew several languages and was a gentleman. This helped him get to know women from the high society in Germany and later in England. During WW-II, already divorced, both did what they could to escape to safe places. My grandmother was able to enter Switzerland and my grandfather into England, where he offered his services to the Allied forces, becoming a spy and contact person for downed British pilots, smuggling Polish pilots into England, and being the contact person with partisans working in Morocco, France, and Spain. I never knew what happened to my grandfather’s parents. They were probably exterminated in the Lodz ghetto created by the Nazis or in the Auschwitz concentration camp.


I despise Nazis.


From my father’s side, my grandmother was born in Plock, Poland. She was probably from an ordinary family. She immigrated to the US right before WW-I. My grandfather was born in Slutz, Byelorussia. He too immigrated to the US right before WW-I. I heard family conversations that my grandparents were sending money to a family member, maybe a brother, back to Communist Byelorussia, but do not know what happened to them.


I despise Communists.


Everybody agrees that Nazis represent the lowest and most evil human condition. The legitimate pursuit of national pride of the German people after a devastating war and the desire to lift the spirits and economy, which sank to the lowest levels, compounded by the extremely onerous conditions imposed onto Germany by the allied forces at the end of WW-I, was exploited by evil concepts that became evil deeds. But for evil to take over an entire country, evil had to spread unchecked over the entire system. To avoid this from happening again, it is important for everyone to learn how it happened in Germany at that time. Those that do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. Check if this rings a bell:


First, they took power by somewhat legitimate ways. Once in power, they began the process of corrupting the existing checks and balance of powers in government and replacing them with puppet offices that obeyed the central government. Among these are the press, which was replaced with a propaganda office, which kept repeating lies to keep everyone on the dark of what was really going on. They were able to rally support from the people by repeating lies and keeping the public in the dark about their dirty deeds and plans. The health care system was replaced by a single government issued health care plan with a “race cleansing” program which eliminated the mentally ill, malformed, disabled, and gay people first. Then anyone that they did not deem pure enough, such as gypsies and Jews, and eventually anyone that was opposed to their ideas, such as professors, priests, pastors, scientists, reporters, etc. were also eliminated. They too had a strict gun control, only the armed forces could have guns. Anyone with a gun was deemed a partisan and was jailed, tortured to reveal names of others, and eventually killed. 


Because of their large numbers in cities, the Jews were first rounded off, their belongings confiscated, they were forced to wear the Star of David clearly on their chest, their identification papers were stamped “Jew”, and they were confined in “ghettos” (walled sections of cities) as holding stations prior to be sent to concentration camps. There were dozens of concentration camps spread around Europe, which were really death camps. Once people were in a concentration camp, the German command hoped time would thin out the population by starvation and disease. The rest were slated, one way or another, to be killed and disposed of. This really happened. Nazis were responsible for up to 12 million deaths, not including casualties of wars, but we will never know the exact number (it is estimated that the breakdown is roughly 6 million Jews, 3 million Soviet soldiers, 2 million Poles, 200,000 gypsies, 150,000 disabled, etc.).


Nazi comes from the shortening of its proper name in German, “Nationale Sozialist”. As its own name says it, it is a socialist movement. What does a socialistic organization stand for? A central government taking total control of society, only the governing elite having access to everything while the people are put into the category of useful idiots, kept that way by their “fake news” propaganda office. Once someone becomes a threat to the government, it no longer is useful, and as a result, it is destroyed. 


Many of these characteristics are beginning to happen nowadays because most people are ignorant. They have all of humanity’s knowledge available on their smartphones, but they do not use it to inform themselves of what is important. Ignorance is bliss only until you notice the water you were put in is about to boil. The press likes to depict the extreme right as being Nazis. Nothing further from the truth. Nazis are extreme, but they have nothing to do with the right. Their own definition places them on the left. They are right there with the Communists. The only reason that they were enemies in WWII was because they existed at the same historic time, not because they had a different ideology.

Many idealize the Socialist and Communist system. This is probably because the truths about it are not discussed honestly. Also, in our youth we go through a stage in life when we analyze life and begin to come up with an idealized world where we want everything to be fair and balanced. These happen during our formation years. We typically don’t have many responsibilities, but we have the means and the apparent energy, courage and desire to create a better world. Parents and professors should work as buffers at this stage of their lives, providing youth both sides of the story. However, more and more professors have become the instigators of this ideology. This is a shame and pure evil because Communism and its “lite” version, Socialism, are systems that do not work! Did not work, ever, and will never work. Why? Simply because it goes against basic human nature. It certainly sounds good, and it “feels” good. The concept of equality certainly is ideally fair and supposedly better for everyone. But the reality is that we are not equal. Everyone is different. Everyone has a different definition of what is enough, what is excess, what is fair, what is hard work, etc., just as no one has the same looks, intelligence, outlook in life, drive to do and make things happen. For this reason, Communism/Socialism is imposed by force. As a result, society declines, and the country becomes impoverished. The underlying reasons for this decline are two; one is emotional and the other spiritual. 


When Communism/Socialism is implemented, there is a growing imposition of the government to it’s citizenry, more so in Communism than in Socialism, but in Socialism it is simply hidden in excess taxation of “the rich” and over-regulation of every level in society, which creates a growing government that promotes laziness and people “on the dole”, while the leaders in power live like kings. The authoritarianism in Communism is open for everyone to see. In Socialism it is hidden under a democratic disguise, but the aim is the same. Their aim is to control the government and make sure to not let go of power. Slowly but surely, they change the laws and institutions so that those changes become irreversible, grow the government and make its citizens fully dependent upon it for their survival, and methodically turn the middle class into a growing “barely surviving” class. The only rich ones are those that are accepted into the Party, which is in power. At that stage, the citizens have become what Lenin called: “useful idiots”. 


Regarding Communism/Socialism ruthlessness, history has shown that this system is as murderous if not more than the Nazis. Exact numbers are difficult to come by (after all we are talking about very closed systems of government, ones not too prone to divulge this kind of statistics), but experts have studied this and the number of deaths by Communist regimes around the world is staggering. Death by systemic starvation, executions, labor camps, ethnic cleansing, not including wars, by Communist regimes in the 20th century has been estimated at 110 million! 


The second reason Communism/Socialism doesn’t work is because they replace God by the State. Everybody is to pledge allegiance to the government and to its “Supreme Leaders”. These leftists know how to manipulate people. They know that humans have been designed to worship God, but that with manipulation they can get them to worship something else. In this case, that something becomes the State and its rules (variations in use today include worshiping some aspect of creation instead of the creator). But this lie cannot continue forever. People wise up and eventually discover that they are being oppressed, that they have been sold a bill of goods, and that they are worse off than when they started. That even God, the only real source of hope and salvation, has been stripped from them. Don’t believe me? Ask the Russians under Stalin and the leaders that followed. Ask the Chinese under Mao and those that followed. Ask the Vietnamese under Ho Chi Minh and those that followed. Ask the Cubans under Castro and those that followed. Ask the Venezuelans under Chavez and those that followed. You can go on and on. None of these countries improved the lives of their citizens. Some have wised up and, while they are still Communist, adopted “protectionist economic systems” and used the free market society in conspiracy with globalists from the west to benefit from the world economic market without playing by the market rules. Only the elites in these “new Communist regimes” benefit (just as it was in the old regime), while the citizens are kept at the edge of poverty, with no hope for the future, and most importantly, oppressed and punished if they dare to worship other than the State and its leaders.


I despise Nazis, Communists and Socialists not only because I lost a great number of family members under their regimes, but because they are regimes built on lies. Why do you think everyone wishes to come to the US? Because there is freedom and opportunity. Freedom means being able to live peacefully knowing that the law applies to everyone the same way. Opportunity means that you can see the fruits of your hard work. Everyone that is willing to obey and defend the U.S. Constitution should have the chance to come. However, to be accepted is a privilege not a requirement. Surely you cannot demand to be accepted. When accepted, you no longer are a hyphenated citizen, you become an American. Why would you bring foreign ideas that are proven to not work where you come from and bring them here to America? Why are you escaping a failed system and then wanting to build that same failed system here? Don’t you want your kids and grandkids to live in freedom?


President Reagan once said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. Do you want to be that generation?

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