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1) Balancing the budget - nothing can be done successfully in life without first establishing sound economic conditions. The condition of the budget says a lot about your approach to life and the future and says a lot about how organized and disciplined you really are. There are occasions and situations when incurring in a debt is reasonable and even necessary, but in general, you always want to earn more than what you spend. This applies to your personal economics and most definitely applies to the government. Social liberal politics cause countries to have huge budget deficits (spending is much greater than earnings) because they create programs that spend public money in areas that have no economic value (they generate no income). The reason these policies are common in the world today is because they have a distorted view of the role of "government". Government was never supposed to be "giving out stuff" or being the main source of jobs or be the force of social re-engineering. Government is best kept small because it is the worst manager. Why? Because they have poor accountability. Can you list any sustainable activity conducted by government? By sustainable I mean self-reliant, that pays for itself. I cannot, not a single one. A “small” government is more versatile, a lot easier to manage, more efficient, and easier to be transparent.


2) Defining "Government" - it is crucial to define its role because this affects many of the things mentioned here. No one can manage something that is not well defined. Government, since the inception of this country, was limited to the following items: congress (making the laws), justice (implementing the law), the executive (guiding the policies being implemented), and the military (security). The three branches of government are supposed to work in careful balance of power to allow the country to flourish based on the principles of the Constitution. The military is there to protect the country and its citizens from external forces. A strong military serves as an effective deterrent. A strong military ensures peace. The states were supposed to take care of the remainder ideological details by vote of its citizens. Nevertheless, now a days the federal government twists the arms of states by conditioning large amounts of funds in exchange for adopting their policies, especially when it is a government from the left. The right to bear arms, for example, is a fundamental right that empowers "we the people" against a rogue government that wants to change this balance. You don't think this is possible? Ask Cubans, Venezuelans, North Koreans, etc. The only reason for limiting the Second Amendment by the government is their desire to tip the balance in favor of more control over its citizens. Criminals (which in the countries mentioned would be the State) are not affected by this government intromission, in fact they benefit with this control because they can now act knowing there will be no resistance by their targeted victims. 


3) Economics - One of the most important roles of the executive is steering the country into policies that create jobs. This is the opposite to creating more bureaucracy (government jobs, which are easier to create). The executive should steer congress to pass laws that favor the creation of private jobs. Historically, most jobs are created by small businesses. There are many kinds of jobs; manufacturing (producing things), service (selling things), innovative (creating things), academic (teaching things), and government (serving society). There are many economic theories, all of which have been tried around the world. The only theory proven to work is the one that is the fairest. It is based on the concept of "offer and demand" which is the basis of a "free market society". Anything you want to buy, under a free market society, will eventually be created by someone that will try to sell it at the highest profit possible, but as others also produce it, two important things happen: the quality improves, and the price is reduced. As a consumer, you benefit from a variety of goods at different prices and qualities, and as a manufacturer, you benefit because you are forced to be more efficient in your production. Price is established by how many people want to buy a certain thing versus how much of that thing is being produced. If there is only a limited amount of something and a lot of people want it, price will increase. As price is high, other manufacturers will begin to produce it to get into the market and this will lower its price until it reaches a certain level. That level represents its real price. Some manufacturers will produce that same thing but using different materials or different techniques, which makes the thing better. And so it goes on a continuous improvement cycle. Everyone benefits, especially consumers. More manufacturing means more jobs not only in the production sector, but on the sales and innovative sectors. Government should make sure this process is done fairly by discouraging monopolies (only one big company is producing a good) or oligopolies (just a few companies are producing a good) which can cause artificial inflated prices for that good.


4) The Environment - Manufacturers are too busy watching the "bottom line" (making a profit). That may be causing them to cut corners in detriment of the environment. There is a need for oversight by someone other than manufacturing that makes sure that the manufacturing process, the by-products of production, or the product itself is not harmful to the environment or to the public. This can be a function of government but should be to a limited level. After determining the levels of impacts, enforcement should be left to the states. Why the states? Because you elect the people that work for the state. These elected people better be sure to do a good job or else they could get fired (recalled or not re-elected). Someone working for the federal government is appointed by someone elected, and therefore far removed (isolated and protected from the public opinion). In this setup, the public has no say because the officials cannot get fired. As a result, these federal workers end up being despots and party supporters latched to government and very difficult to remove.


5) Education - This is very important, as future citizens are being formed in the process. It is not by mistake that liberals have taken up this important bastion. They know that whoever controls education has the upper hand in forming people that would agree with their policies. It is no surprise that it is in public schools where most of the brain washing is taking place. Issues such as "separation of church and state" and teaching "evolution only" started in schools. It is also in schools that social re-engineering is taking place by forcing issues such as homosexuality and sexual education, abortion, and soon euthanasia as mere facts of "civilized and modern life". This is not the fault of liberals, as conservatives have not seen the importance of education as a vehicle for social preservation of values, beliefs, and morality. Liberals present these as things kids need to "evolve from". Conservatives must insist that there must be a limit and that majority should prevail. Right now, if only one student or parent complains and insists that depravity must be the norm, the school folds and adopts depravity instead of upholding the norm upheld by the majority. Schools should be emphasizing logic and the scientific method and be open to discuss all available theories without personally attacking whoever disagrees with them and calling them bigots, insensitive, or intolerant. The State should not be involved in planting belief systems. Students must decide which belief system they would choose. For that reason, teachers should present all the options available not just the one they agree with.


Students should make up their own minds about what to believe. Education is the process of presenting the facts for student to learn from, not feeding a specific ideology. That is pure evil. The issue of separation of church and state is a new concept that began to be used by liberals wanting to take over the Department of Education in the late 1940's. If this was a concept supposedly instilled by the founding fathers, why is it that this country flourished without it for almost 200 years? Because it is a lie. No, it is a distortion. Separation of church and state was a concept that Thomas Jefferson addressed in a letter in 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Church, Connecticut, to assure them that the government would never endorse a particular religion. How this got distorted into the concept that "we the people" can no longer express our point of view on faith in public, or that a particular faith cannot be expressed in public schools? I do not know. But we can see the consequences of this attitude. Forcing this concept onto the public has created havoc in society. Any society that does not have God (a higher power) as a guiding principle, collapses. Government is hardly a substitute. Broken marriages lead to unsupervised youth that sense license from society to do what they please. That combination, with an ample supply of drugs, violence, sexual promiscuity, and lenient justice system, creates the chaos we live in. The worst part is that young people also don't have the concept of hard work to succeed in life. These days they look to government to give them all they need. If things are not changed soon, this will mean the end of civilized society.


6) Justice - activists use the phrase "no justice, no peace". And they are right. Of course, what they actually mean is "give us what we want, or we will start trouble". A society cannot improve without a good justice system. But good not necessarily means more. Society keeps creating more and more laws just because that is what Congress is supposed to do. What they should do is go over all the laws that exist up to now and eliminate those that no longer make sense. This cleanup would point at areas that may need additional laws or better written laws. And of course, enforce those laws, which is not what we are currently doing. Another major disservice "we the people" are getting is judges that misinterpret their function. They are called onto the courts to simply interpret the law. However, what judges are doing more and more nowadays is trying to re-engineer society and that is way beyond their duties. Judges are not supposed to legislate from their benches.

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